By Illuminati∴Prime
The capital ship hovered above the power station pyramid. Filthy slums, extreme poverty, disease, malnutrition, and unhappy people surrounded the city. Outside, crops grew in a few green areas, and outside the few green areas was a vast toxic desert. The world got this way after an industry covered the entire planet, and green areas became smaller as massive ecological devastation spread. The growth stopped when projects began to fail, and cities turned to dust. The decline of civilization lasted over a thousand years and was known as the Black Ages. By the year 6280 AD, only one city remained, but now the Republic was a shadow of its former greatness, as the citizens had forgotten how to build new machines. They lived with old technology in old houses built by past generations. There was still one luxurious neighborhood where a few elites lived. These were the senators who controlled the capital ship.
Prometheus spoke proudly in the senate chamber. “When the Thunder Cult first arrived in our city, we thought it was harmless. We have always embraced new ideas, but this Thunder Cult offers us nothing to benefit our society. Only the misguided see them as an alternative to us. Some of you have told me that in a democracy, the people have the right to choose. Well, let me tell you, the rules of democracy do not apply to these cultists. They are irregular political personalities. They have no recognized political party. They have no verifiable political charter or mission statement. Such unlawful political personalities are opportunists who only wish to destabilize the very foundation of the Republic. They do not follow the rules of democracy. Instead, these cultists try to manipulate society in ways unfair to those who support honest political objectives. They are terrorists who should be treated as terrorists.”
The Crowd cheered. These senators believed their ancestors were the children of gods, so they called themselves “Anunnaki” (an ancient word meaning “Heaven and Earth”). Above the entrance to the senate chamber were the words, “Keepers of the Tablet of Destiny.” Some senators believed this tablet was kept hidden in the Temple of Light, while others thought it was only symbolic. Only the Primus of the senate knew what was hidden inside the temple, which was dedicated to the gods of illumination. Followers of this religion considered themselves enlightened masters of philosophy who had a divine right to bring order to the world. Their main god was the Morning Star.
Senator Prometheus continued. “You might ask me how we can convince people to realize the truth. They already know the truth! They invited these terrorists into our city. They have openly aided these terrorists. We must arrest everyone associated with these crimes. As you all know, terrorists do not act alone. They are inspired by the mass hysteria of the jealous and hateful. Everyone who associates with terrorists becomes infected with this hate. Every method available must be used to make them speak the truth. If the population does not believe us, they will believe themselves when they speak the truth.”
The Crowd became silent. Most were uncomfortable with the fire Prometheus was lighting because no one was sure if the Thunder Cult had committed any terrorist acts.
The next speaker, Prometheus’s brother, Senator Epimetheus, spoke. “It seems all we ever hear about in the news today is Master Moloch. We do not even know what the Master looks like! All we know is that a few years ago, these priests began to appear in our city. They come from the Dry Wasteland, worship a Thunder God, and claim to help people. We do not have much information about what goes on inside the Dry Wasteland. This area, heavily contaminated by industrial waste, covers the western half of North America. Similar areas of extreme ecological devastation are found in Asia, Europe, and Africa. As you all know, Asia, Europe, and Africa no longer support human settlements. What makes the Dry Wasteland unique is that humans survive in the environment. Do you know what the first Thunder Priest in our city did? The priest dug a well for anyone to get water. The people thought the priest was a hero.”
Prometheus disliked the brother’s analysis of historical information. Prometheus wanted solutions, not useless gossip.
Epimetheus continued. “Rumors are circulating that the world is dying. People have lost hope. Then, these strange priests walked into our city with confident smiles and good deeds. The people feel there is a chance for life to grow again, so they call these strangers saints. In fact, the Thunder Cult has no idea how to save the world. Their method of thinking is simplistic to the point of being pathetic. They think doing good where good needs to be done is good. Each priest follows a personal vision called walking in the way of their Animal. This concept of the Animal is used in a similar way in the Coven of the Goddess. Obviously, the Thunder Cultists are not part of the Coven of the Goddess since the priestesses of the Goddess indulge in pleasures of the flesh, whereas the Thunder Cultists control emotions. “
The mention of the Coven of the Goddess brought about angry faces from the senate members. Most senators publicly condemned the Coven, calling the prostitution of the priestesses immoral, but secretly, most of them visit the Coven. The senate had made several efforts to close the Coven but was unsuccessful because people supported the Goddess Religion. The senators knew the people could get their way if enough of them stood up, and the senate feared what would happen if the people supported the Thunder Cult.
Epimetheus continued. “The common people have spread rumors about Moloch. They say Moloch had a great vision where the Goddess appeared as three Goddesses: Tiamat, Gaia, and Ura. Tiamat was life in the universe. Gaia was life on Earth. Ura was the life of people. The Coven of the Goddess also uses the name Gaia. A demon named Tiamat appears in the story of the Black Lodge. Ura is a Goddess worshiped by farmers who live in villages around the Republic. Such religions are the result of the imagination of the common folk. The peasants have invented thousands of cults.”
“What kind of a game is Moloch playing?” Prometheus asked. Then answered, “Some say Moloch is a tall, powerful person who emanates the power of Thunder God. Ok, so this Moloch is a pompous fool who Perhaps would fit in well with us.”
Atlas, the Primus senate leader, spoke. “Never before have I seen the people so excited. If we harness this enthusiasm, such energy would be a valuable addition to our New World Order. We will send ambassadors to meet with Moloch. We must ask the hard questions. Would Moloch be a valuable ally? Is Moloch truly a danger?”
Senator Menoetius volunteered to lead the expedition to talk with Moloch. While the expedition was away, suspects were arrested and interrogated, and the official report said terrorists plagued the city. Prometheus read these reports but felt the reports were incomplete. Epimetheus thought most arrested people had no connection with the Thunder Cult. The police will always record the story they’re told to find, and what the person being interrogated said makes no difference. The results always support the official report. The senators called for more arrests and used the increasing number of arrests as evidence the number of terrorists was growing.
Prometheus and Epimetheus sat in their family garden, surrounded by their collection of exotic birds. Prometheus spoke. “What would you say if I told you I had convincing evidence that the Thunder Cultists are agents of the Black Lodge?”
Epimetheus looked unimpressed and responded, “Your convincing evidence never convinces me. The Black Lodge is a myth. There is no evil order who secretly runs the world.”
Prometheus pounded a fist, saying, “Consider that the Black Lodge wants to destroy civilization. That is exactly what the Thunder Cultists are doing. All both Groups want is to spread filth and corruption. They live in the shadows and practice black magic. They bring pain and suffering to the world because they enjoy seeing people suffer.”
“The Thunder Cult believes in compassion,” said Epimetheus. “You should look compassion up in the dictionary. It is an interesting word.”
Prometheus continued, “It makes no difference what they believe! What is important is what they do. Both the Thunder Cult and the Black Lodge worship a Serpent. They are a secret Discordian order. They are the sons of demons who worship contradiction. They call the Serpent the OverMind and the SubGenius.”
“No,” said Epimetheus. “In their myth, the Serpent is the enemy of the Thunder God. The Thunder God is said to be part of a supreme God, the highest authority in the universe. Have you ever wondered if perhaps the ultimate universal protocols of justice differ from the policies chosen by the senate? Common folks believed the senate is wrong.”
“We represent the highest authority in the universe,” said Prometheus, “We, as the sons of Gods, intuitively know the highest law. This is why we alone hold the Tablet of Destiny. I am uncomfortable with you even suggesting that a higher law could exist. You need to go to the temple to pray for enlightenment.”
“Well, if we are all guided by the light of truth, why does the senate never agree on anything?”
“Perhaps those senators have been corrupted. Perhaps they are agents of the Black Lodge,” Prometheus responded.
Getting frustrated, Epimetheus said, “It is wrong to believe in nonsense when you have no evidence.”
“I agree, the Thunder Cult is wrong. Their beliefs are nonsense.”
“No, I am talking about you.” Epimetheus pointed at the brother. “You believe every stupid conspiracy story your imagination invents.”
“You must admit, there is evil spreading in the senate,” Prometheus said.
“Most of us believe the main evil in the senate is you,” said Epimetheus, still pointing at the brother.
“Then why do so many senators follow me?”
“Because the senators think your methods work.”
Menoetius returned after a few weeks, but the report was not what the senate had wanted to hear. Menoetius spoke. “Moloch is a really nice person who sent priests to help the world. In the dry wasteland, when someone is in trouble, everyone helps the person. Everyone shares food even when there is little, living in small domes or under rocks, constantly moving to avoid the storms of toxic salts, using very little technology. Following a religion emphasizing discipline, they give but never ask for anything in return. They each keep all their possessions in a small bag and say no person should own more than one can carry. Living this way for centuries, seeming to be happy, the harsh conditions of the Dry Wasteland have produced a unique form of human who is physically strong. Also, their intelligence is, on average, higher than that of those who live in less contaminated areas. Moloch has no interest in being made an ally of the senate. His priests know nothing about history or politics, so they feel no need to be part of it. Their system of values does not include any need to govern other people; the Thunder Dreamers respect everyone’s ambitions, and they do not wish to control anyone. The priests think each person should walk in the way of their Animal. Moloch does not wish for fame or glory and is happy simply being with friends and family. Moloch’s priests do not understand Western culture. They have never read Plato or Shakespeare or Tolkien. The priests have their own literature, which they developed in isolation during all those centuries. The priests of Moloch are dedicated to the beliefs expressed in their complicated books.”
The report made the senate fear Moloch even more because now the senate knew that Moloch could not be bought. Prometheus spoke. “Moloch will never be a useful ally. This master of evil does not share in any of our values and we offer nothing the Master wants. This Thunder Cult is of no use to us, but their presence is causing too much instability. We have serious problems to consider. The Guardian went on strike last week. The strike only lasted half a day, but how could this happen? The Guardians were bred to protect us. At one time, the Guardians would give their life for us, but now they want more job security or a reliable retirement plan. The Guardians think we are about to go out of business, and they think we will take whatever is left before we leave. The presence of the priest of the Thunder Cult is giving people too much confidence, which is why people are rebelling. Don’t they see the power of the capital ship? Our ancestors built fleets of those vehicles which filled the sky. We will regain the glory by sending the capital ship to the Dry Wasteland to kill the terrorists. Killing Moloch is the first step in rebuilding our New World Order.”
Some senators complained that destroying Moloch would destroy an excellent opportunity for new ideas. A vote was cast. The majority supported the war against terror, so Atlas ordered the capital ship to attack.
After the vote, Prometheus followed Atlas out of the chamber and spoke, “Primus, some may disagree with our decision. Some do not understand the big picture. We must make those decisions, for we alone carry the weight of the world. Our political opponents may wish to question our actions or bring a formal complaint against us. Laws must be written to prevent such a disruption, for no one but us knows the price we pay, for no one has the right to question what we do. We do what must be done. We hold the Tablet of Destiny. We have the power of eternity.”
“Thank you for your kind words,” said Atlas.
Prometheus then said, “Human animals are nothing more than mindless robots. We have the gift to be greater than these animals. We have greater visions that are not limited to their shallow worldview. I have read Plato, who helped me see the very forms of truth. Greatness comes from tradition, for we have inherited all the glory of the great Western civilization. Kingdoms come and then go, but the tradition lives on! Moloch does not have this tradition. Moloch is a fool! We are the chosen race who rules this world. We are a gift to lower forms of life, for without us, humans would be lost. We show people how to be greater than people. This is the gift we bring. The sons of gods once lived as artists, scholars, and priests. Our ancestors were the warriors who conquered the world, proving themselves worthy. Our ancestors were given the Tablet of Destiny by the very gods themselves.”
“It seems strange,” Atlas mentioned. “We admire the virtues of the fighter, but then we create a society where such a warrior can not exit. We create a society where people are protected and controlled, so we end up with a population that relies on us, full of people who do not have faith in their own abilities. Keeping everyone this way is how we stay in power.”
“We have the right to destroy the confidence of lower people,” said Prometheus. “We are philosophers and kings. Only we have the skill to know what is best.”
Atlas said, “Throughout the ages, politicians have made policies that are supposed to benefit the people. These policies are for public safety and public health. Each politician believes what they do is for the best.”
Prometheus interrupted, “The Commonfolks need the glory of the Republic to protect them. They need us to lead them. All the common folks are criminals. Do not forget that every minor crime is a threat to public safety. Everyone must be monitored. They must be forced to confess their crimes where the public can see them. They must testify against anyone who has committed a crime. They will not be allowed to protect family members with silence. They must speak the whole truth. This confession must not just be done once. Their whole life must be devoted to continuous confession.”
Atlas understood the value of Prometheus’s words and wanted the Republic to return to its former glory, but warned, “If we enforce the law too much, we risk turning a large section of society into documented criminals, and a person who has such a criminal record will have difficulty being accepted by anyone who wants to avoid legal trouble. Some will be left on the street as unwanted trash and have no choice but to commit more crimes to survive. We would end up creating more crime.”
“No,” said Prometheus. “We would not segregate a section of society or limit our law enforcement to outcasts. Our law enforcement would be fair to all, for we would embrace the citizens who reform. The reformed criminals will become the builders of our great society. We will put cameras in the temple of light, and then each day, a random citizen will be chosen to confess their crimes in front of the camera. This will be broadcast for everyone to watch. Everyone would see the crimes. Everyone would know the only solution is to join us. Everyone will desire to build the future. Top experts would be trained to determine what proper behavior each citizen must have. These experts would evaluate each citizen’s behavior to choose penalties. The penalties would be designed to encourage an offender to reform by choosing the correct path. Eventually, every process in a person’s social life would be regulated. We have over 4,000 years of sociological studies that we will use to design the ideal culture in which everyone would be happy as they live the best lives possible. We would give the citizens true freedom, which is the freedom to follow their destiny in harmony with the Tablet of Destiny. We should start by making the Coven of the Goddess stop their unnatural practices.”
Atlas stopped walking. Then said, “Four thousand years of psychological and sociological studies have created more questions than answers. What if people do not need us? What if they should work out problems for themselves? What if we are getting in their way and making the problems worse? Some studies on human behavior indicate that tribes can naturally build a healthy culture without authoritarian manipulation.”
“Yes, Primus,” said Prometheus, “those are important questions. We should ask them another day, but we are in a war today. This is not just a war on foreign evildoers. This is a war to hold our society together. We must stay the course but not second guess ourselves. We hold the Tablet of Destiny in our hands. We must be faithful to its purpose. We must be what the gods have chosen us to be.”
“Those Thunder Cultists still have the confidence to act freely,” said Atlas. “They have not been domesticated. What if the gods found them to be more worthy than us?”
“That is why they must die. We are the ones who once ruled. We are the ones who still rule. We are the ones who shall rule again. We will give one clear message to the world. Join Us! No alternative will be allowed. Our city has survived while others failed. We are the strongest.”
Something about Prometheus’s enthusiasm disturbed Atlas, who said, “Let me show you the Tablet of Destiny.”
Prometheus had never seen the tablet. Being allowed to see it was a great honor. Long ago, every senate member could see the Tablet of Destiny, but this ceremony had not been performed for many generations. While they entered the temple, Atlas told Prometheus that during the ceremony, students were told they would see more than just a tablet. The students would see one of the gods who guided the senate. Prometheus almost smiled and could not wait to see what would happen. Atlas placed a hand on the altar, and a voice said, “Access allowed.” The altar opened. Atlas took out a small box and handed it to Prometheus. Prometheus expected to see written words on a slab inside the box, a legal document, a certificate of authenticity, a validation seal, or a technological artifact. Instead, it was a paper mask. “What the Hell is this?”
Atlas responded, “The mask represents the lies people want to believe about themselves. Instead of a god, the student would find a person wearing this mask. The person would remove the mask, and the student would be told all the myths were lies. The students would learn that there is more to the world than they thought true. They would realize their mind’s limitations. When the Republic began to rot away, the senate felt insecure and no longer wished to see the truth. We hid this mask from ourselves when we chose to believe the lies. We have closed our minds and are no longer the enlightened elite.”
“You have shown me nothing,” said Prometheus said. “For ages, everyone has known that kings are descended from gods. We are descended from kings.”
Atlas spoke again, “There is something else. You should know this is a medical mask used to prevent the spread of disease. Even though the epidemics were over, the servants still had to wear this mask as the ruling families considered the servants ugly and did not wish to see their faces. We are not descended from the kings and queens. Our ancestors were their servants. After the original royal families went out of business, our ancestors moved into their homes. We are an imitation of kings. We are descendants of peasants. The mask was kept to remind us that we, the Senate, are not the sons of gods. We are the sons of the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses.”
“You have shown me nothing!” Prometheus said again. “The main point of the ceremony must have been to show the student that we have the responsibility to be what gods are expected to be. The ceremony proves the myths were all true.”
Atlas said, “Our ancestors did build a civilization greater than the previous kings had built. We filled the skies with fleets of capital ships, but all glory has been lost. We only have one capital ship that is over 600 years old and falling apart like everything else in this dying world. You sit in your garden with your collection of exotic birds and ignore everything outside. I do not know if the Anunnaki ever existed, but I do know we are not Anunnaki. We are parasites. The world is dying because of us. Our kind has robbed the Earth and its people of all its resources. We are going out of business as nothing is left for us to steal. We can no longer find the resources to support our projects. Those thunder dreamers might be the last chance humanity has to survive, and we just sent a capital ship to destroy them.”
Prometheus laughed. “Have you ever heard of the United States? It was an empire that ruled the world 4,000 years ago. They started as defiant warriors who challenged the British Empire. They wrote their best ideas on a scroll and became the dominant empire. Their society fell apart when they forgot what the scroll said. Lesser men refused to listen to the great man named Trump. We must not forget what our nation stands for.”
“We had the potential to do anything,” said Atlas. “Our ancestors could have created a world where everyone enjoys life, liberty, and happiness. Instead, our nation turned into a paranoid police state. The land of the free and home of the brave became a prison full of fear. This is what happens when government leaders begin to believe their own illusions. This happens when fools like you and I begin to manipulate other people. We do not know what we are doing. Therefore, it would greatly benefit the rest of humanity if we left everyone alone.”
Still laughing, Prometheus said, “The people let governments abuse them when they stopped being fighters. The meek who bow their heads to authority deserves a kick in the face. Only two kinds of beings have ever existed. Masters are one. Slaves are the other. I will not let you turn me into a slave.”
“You are missing the point, Prometheus. The common folks are capable of solving problems themselves without us making it harder for them. People do not need us to interfere with every aspect of their lives; we are parasites, not saviors. Human culture simply needs the freedom to grow. Furthermore, governments should be an optional service, where anyone may choose to use features of this service, or anyone may choose to disregard those features. No one should be forced to live under any law they do not want. The law should never be enforced, for no gods gave us the right to rule, and we need to accept the possibility that perhaps the people do not need us at all. We have sinned against the world, and there is no punishment in Hell to compensate for what we have done.”
Prometheus grabbed the mask and said, “We are still gods! You have shown me nothing. Anarchists like you are nothing new. The problem with your way of thinking is that it fails to provide realistic solutions. Our way has worked for centuries. I will keep this sign of the gods to prove you are wrong.”
Prometheus walked out of the temple and never returned. The Capital Ship killed thousands of people but was unable to confirm if it had killed Moloch. Something was wrong when the Capital Ship returned, but the maintenance crew lacked the technical skills to fix the problem. Atlas ordered the ship away from the city. This problem had happened on other ships before, and the explosion could destroy the entire city.
In the senate chamber, Atlas spoke. “The capital ship was destroyed while fighting the Terrorist. Their lawless actions took the capital ship from us, and only they are responsible for this tragedy. We have been too nice to these terrorists, and now they are driving us to greater action. The people need us to protect them from the terrorist. The only way to have national security is to send more troops into the Wasteland. We must draft more young people to protect our interests.”
“Now you sound like my brother,” said Epimetheus. “I always thought you were the reasonable one, Atlas, but now you want us to continue to attack these imaginary enemies. We destroyed the Capital Ship by sending it to attack empty caves and villages full of innocent people. Everything you said is meaningless; we have nothing to enforce our rules. Most of the Guardians did not show up for work today.”
Atlas responded, “Assemble the loyal Guardians who did show up! They will become our elite guard. We must not allow a cynical attitude to tear us apart. This is not the time to doubt our purpose. We must support our troops. Remember the heroes who fight and die for us in this war.”
With those words, the senate applauded. Epimetheus looked around and asked, “Is that all we have become, tyrants who bomb women and children? Then, we invent stories to give us the right to torture the innocent. How can you all pretend to care? Don’t you care?”
Atlas responded, “We are not aggressive. The goal of the Senate has always been to help all people enjoy the prosperity we enjoy. The people in the wasteland should not think of us as the enemy. We will bring peace, freedom, and democracy to the wasteland. The law of the Republic for which we stand is the ultimate target of history. Let me tell you what is written on our Tablet of Destiny.”
The senate sat silently with open eyes, eager to hear what was written on the tablet.
Atlas spoke, “There is much written on the tablet. Let me tell you about five words. They are truth, goodness, beauty, justice, and love. Each of these absolute forms is a point on our eternal star. I do not need to prove what I say, for each of you has always known in your hearts this is true. Each of you knows this is what we give the world.”
Later the same day, Epimetheus spoke to Atlas in private. Epimetheus had talked to Prometheus, knew the Tablet of Destiny was a hoax, and wanted to know why Atlas lied to the Senate.
“We have always been this way,” Atlas said. “That is how leaders like us have survived for thousands of years. Over the centuries, civilizations have come and gone. Every one of them was ruled by people just like us. If Moloch takes over this world, Moloch will become just like us.”
“Look at The Thunder Cult,” said Epimetheus. “They survive harsher conditions than we do and still practice kindness. I should go to the Dry Wasteland to talk to Moloch. Perhaps the Master will teach us to care for people rather than fear them.”
Atlas then said, “Look at yourself in a mirror. Do you think you will survive a day in the Dry Wasteland? You are not a powerful barbarian. We invent a culture of fear that hides the fact that we are weak and afraid. We need the Republic to take care of us.”
“But Primus, why have we allowed the situation to spin out of control? Our intentions were originally good. Couldn’t we have done something to keep ourselves on the right track? Surely, rational people like us can find a solution. We know the difference between good and evil. As those in power, we are responsible for making the right choice. Let’s stop lying to ourselves and fix this.”
Then Atlas said something very strange. “Long ago, the powerful leaders in the world would gather and hold a ceremony called the Cremation of Care. Very few people alive today remember the power of the ceremony. Even the Black Lodge considered the ceremony too evil and would not attend it. But not even the Black Lodge could stop the masters from burning care.”
Epimetheus thought about this answer and shouted, “No, I refuse to believe you! Evil will not always win. Someday, someone who is better than us will do better than us.”
Atlas shrugged. Without the Capital Ship, the senators lost confidence and felt vulnerable without their weapon of mass destruction. The senators retired to their private estates and no longer operated as a unified corporation, so the Republic was over. The streets were strangely quiet. The news media had expected a riot, but without the police to antagonize the people and concentrate the mob, no riot occurred. People peacefully collected supplies and they shared with each other. Small tribes began to plan their futures. The people felt a new sense of purpose the police had not allowed them to feel. They felt confident.
Prometheus sat in the main office staring at the mask as the lights in the room were growing dimmer. A secretary tried to call the building maintenance to fix the lights, but no one responded. Emergency power would last a few more days, and then there would be darkness. This was the end of the great Western civilization that lasted over seven thousand years. The West was the first humans to sail around the world, visit the Moon, build a global communications network, argue with artificial intelligence, log into the subspace continuum, and witness the composition of our event horizon. Still, they were always a taker culture who never learned how to give. The culture that gave birth to Aristotle, Newton, Edison, Einstein, and Hitler was dead. Prometheus refused to accept that the sons of gods were just going to walk away or let Moloch take over. Moloch was nothing more than a human who crawled out from under a rock. “I am Prometheus the Anunnaki. The last of a great bloodline of Kings. The gods live through me.”
Meanwhile, in the Dry Wasteland, an old woman ran to reach a rock shelter before the storm of toxic waste covered the land. Several people were huddled in the shelter, and there was no room for anyone else. A young student named Nickar stood up and said, “You can have my place.”
“Do not give me your place. I am old and do not have long to live. It is better for a young person like you should live,” the old woman said.
The young man said, “I am strong enough to survive this storm. Here, take this bag of water. I can always find more.”
The student had never seen the shelter so crowded. Some of these folks had come from as far as the eastern barrens. They evacuated their homes after hearing stories about whole villages bursting into flames and a giant saucer ship. The student knew such weapons were built centuries ago and were used as instruments of fear and hate, but could not think of any reason why someone would choose to use such a device in this day and age. The young man’s teacher, Moloch, told folks about a republic whose leaders had access to incredible technology and knowledge. The student would travel one day to the outlands to learn more about this relic of the past. For now, the student was traveling north to see if the family was safe. The young man walked out into the storm. This student of Moloch would one day become a senator of the new Republic, who would sponsor scientists and artists and start the second Renaissance. This senator would become an ally of the Goddess Temple and live to see life grow on the Earth until the land was green again. Even the evil Archon of the Black Lodge would respect this human.
The End
Read Corruption